Update on Shenstone Playing Fields Management Committee & Country Club Lease – 24.09.24

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Serving Little Aston, Shenstone, Stonnall, Shenstone Wood End, Lynn, Parish Council Office 25C Main Street Shenstone WS14 OLZ
Tel: 01543 481 947
e-mail: <admin@shenstone-staffs.gov.uk >
web: www.shenstone-staffs.gov.uk

It has been several months since the Management Committee of the Playing Fields resigned en-bloc. At that point to ensure that the day-to-day management of the facilities was able to continue, the Parish Council, as Custodian Trustees, took responsibility for what was hoped would be the short term. It has turned into much longer than anticipated for the reasons outlined below:

  1. The replacement of the Management Committee.

In order to proceed with an EGM and the formation of a new committee we require confirmation from the Charities Commission as to which of the previous Constitutions they consider is the correct one. Despite several long telephone conversations, letters and the intervention of our M.P to speed up the process we have not been given any indication as to when the required decision will be made so cannot act.

Applications for the vacant positions have been received and, once the constitution is confirmed, those community bodies with representation will be contacted. As soon as we have more clarity, we will share it accordingly.

  1. The Country Club lease. Residents may or may not be aware that the lease under which the tenant has control of the building is due for renewal at the beginning of the New Year. Under normal circumstances, negotiations would have been well advanced, and it was certainly the hope of the Parish Council that a new Committee would address this as a priority. With only three months of the current lease left the Tenant may now serve notice for the continuation of the lease on the existing terms. This is not something that the Parish Council can allow to happen as the lease is not fit for purpose & a much improved outcome must be secured for the future of the Playing Fields. Therefore, the Parish have had to appoint a quorum of Councillors to work on this as well as appointing Legal representation and a surveyor to ensure everything is dealt with thoroughly. Negotiations have already started for a newly constructed lease with improved rent and better clarity in respect of the boundary of the property, access, security, the tenant’s responsibilities and what will be the new Management Committee’s responsibilities. The tenant is very keen to work with us on a new lease building on the strong, positive mediation position proposed earlier in the year.

A further update will be issued as soon as the next steps are established.

Shenstone Parish Council.