SPC & SPFC Joint Statement – 10.07.24

The Parish Council (PC) and Shenstone Playing Fields Committee (SPFC) issue this joint statement to clarify the situation regarding the future of the SPFC following the adjournment of the SPFC AGM on 17th June.

Appointment of Trustees:
There had been concern raised regarding the method of appointing Trustees as it was discovered that the previous committee had used the unrevised constitution in error. The Parish Council subsequently worked with members of the SPFC in an effort to regularise those concerns.

There have been recent changes to the SPFC governing documentation with the intention of giving residents more of a voice. Whilst the SPFC had sought advice from the Charity Commission on the most recent changes it is agreed that a more thorough process should have been followed.

All the Trustees of the SPFC have made the decision to resign from their positions on the charity in support of one another. The Trustees state they have had strong support within the village and are very grateful for the many messages of encouragement. However, they acknowledge that despite reassuring the community on their appointment and in relation to the ongoing negotiations with the Country Club, due In part to misinformation, trust has broken down with some members of the community.

The outgoing Trustees have offered to provide a full and thorough handover to the Parish Council until the appointment of the new committee and will happily make themselves available if needed.

Appointment of a new committee:
The Parish Council as Custodian Trustees give reassurance that they will manage the essential day to day running of the Playing Fields short term and will arrange an AGM so a new committee can be appointed.

The application process for becoming a trustee committee member of the charity will be reopened and managed by the Parish Council.


Football Bookings:
All current football bookings and holiday camps remain in place. It has been confirmed that Sophie Baggott will very kindly continue to act as Bookings Secretary for all football related schedules, matches and enquiries and that pitch maintenance will continue as normal.

There is strong support for the renewal & rejuvenation of the play area and the Parish Council will support the new committee in its endeavours to achieve this.

Shenstone Country Club:
There have been ongoing rumours that the SPFC have issued an eviction notice to their tenant, Shenstone Country Club. The Parish Council can confirm that an eviction notice has never been served. The Parish Council will support the new Committee to ensure that the ongoing legal issues with the Shenstone Country Club are resolved in the best interests of the charity and in accordance with the tenant’s lease. 

Shenstone 10k fun run:
The SPFC was resurrecting the Shenstone 10k fun run in September to help raise money towards the new playground. 

The outgoing SPFC Trustees have discussed the different options and have proposed that the event still goes ahead. The PTA of Greysbrooke School have very kindly agreed to take on the remaining work needed to organise the event. However, instead of the profits being used to go towards a new playground, the profits will go to Greysbrooke School. All sponsors and runners will be approached by the organisers and will have the opportunity to consider whether they still want to sponsor / take part in the event. The Parish Council Chair will propose that a contribution will be made from the Parish Council to help towards the loss of revenue to the Playing Fields.

It is hoped the sponsors and runners will continue to support this event to allow it to be a great success!