Here you will find useful information about the many services and amenities our village has to offer as well as local news and community events etc. The site is best viewed in landscape format on tablets.
The village has many amenities including five pubs, local shops, a doctors surgery and chemist, a dentist, a library, a main line railway station and a post office.
Use the left hand menu bar to find out what’s going on in our village and to get more information about our Churches; our communal buildings (under Halls for Hire); our library, and our communal green spaces – the Lammas Land and the Playing Fields. Use the top menu bar to access information about our numerous village Groups and Clubs which cater for a variety of leisure activities
Historically, our village was recorded in the Domesday Book as a settlement covering around 380 acres, with a large wood and a mill. The first clear reference to a church was in 1129 where records show its financial tithes were appropriated to the abbey of Oseney in Oxfordshire. Back in the 12th century the population of Shenstone was recorded to be 125 but today the it has a thriving community of over 3000 residents.