Draft SPC minutes of Extraordinary General Meeting 18.06.24

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Serving Little Aston, Shenstone, Stonnall, Shenstone Wood End, Lynn, Parish Council Office 25C Main Street Shenstone WS14 OLZ
Tel: 01543 481 947
e-mail: <admin@shenstone-staffs.gov.uk >
web: www.shenstone-staffs.gov.uk

37. Register of members in attendance

Cllr David Salter -Chair (Shenstone Woodend), Cllrs Stuart Jones, Lesley Edgely, David Thompson (Shenstone)Cllr Phil Whitehouse (Stonnall).

Shirley O’Mara (Clerk/RFO)

38 Acceptance of apologies.

Cllrs Simon Fisher, Gail Nicholls, Dino D’Ambrosio & Stuart Harrison.

39 Public Participation.


40 Declarations of interest:


41 Finance

The internal audit report was discussed as follows:

  • Cllr Whitehouse asked by what criteria the audit is judged. The Clerk explained all of the documentation required to be completed as well as other information requested by Mazaars.

  • Cllr Thompson queried whether Council hold appropriate general reserves for our size of Council & the Clerk confirmed that we do.

  • Cllr Thompson also reiterated the advice given by the Clerk at the earlier June meeting and reiterated by the internal auditor, which is to breakdown ear marked funds into more specific detail by the October forecast deadline.

  • The Clerk & Cllr Edgley also briefed on issues with Nat West Bank at the end of the financial year which caused issues (now rectified) with mandate changes.

  1. Complete and agree Annual Governance Statement

The statement was duly completed & approved

  1. Agree date of commencement and ending for the declaration of public rights

Confirmed 20th June- 31st July

  1. Feedback and recommendations from internal audit- confirmed

  2. Confirmation of internal auditor for 2024/25- scheduled to be discussed in July Council,

  1. Confirmation of external auditor- scheduled to be discussed in July Council,

Next meeting of Full Council July 9th at Little Aston Village Hall 7.15pm.
