Draft SPC Minutes 11/06/2024

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Serving Little Aston, Shenstone, Stonnall, Shenstone Wood End, Lynn, Parish Council Office 25C Main Street Shenstone WS14 OLZ
Tel: 01543 481 947
e-mail: <admin@shenstone-staffs.gov.uk >
web: www.shenstone-staffs.gov.uk

19. Register of members in attendance

Cllr David Salter -Chair (Shenstone Woodend), Cllrs Stuart Jones, Lesley Edgely, David Thompson (Shenstone), Christopher Callow, Ruth Graham, Dino D’Ambrosio, Emma Scothern, Gail Nicholls, Mick Cox, Stuart Harrison, Phil Whitehouse.

County Councillor David Smith.

PCSO Andrea Horsnall

Shirley O’Mara (Clerk) Pam Salter (Minute Clerk)

5 members of the public (including 2 representatives from SCAR, 2 representatives from SPFC)

20 Acceptance of apologies.

Cllr Simon Fisher

21 Public Participation.

Members of the public are invited to address Council for a maximum of 15 minutes.

Two representatives from SPFC showed plans for the proposed new playground to the meeting. The existing area has been extended allowing for more equipment, including inclusive items. It will also be fenced. Plans are available to view online. Consultation indicates a positive response.

A Stonnall resident expressed his concerns over the increased speed through the village. His view was that Speedwatch has not been very effective, and emphasis appears to be on data collection. Unlike the other wards, there is no speed van representation in Stonnall, and signs may be helpful.

Cllr Salter responded that action at Parish level is limited to lobbying County Council. The traffic group have discussed potential resolutions including SCAR and carrying out a survey. Projects coming from the Neighbourhood Plans could include this issue at our level including ANPR. Any statistics would help Safety Concern Zones to be identified.

We can request the Safer Roads Partnerships to look at this. There is a pot of money available to help.

Cllr Thompson. The Full Council pre meeting had proposed a substantial amount of revised Neighbourhood Plan project finance be put aside for the key formal consultation priorities identified with an emphasis on traffic calming.

A vote to be taken later in the year on the size of the budget allocation for traffic calming as against the range of other emerging revised Neighbourhood Plan priorities in the three villages.

Cllr Smith will take the SCAR plan for Stonnall to SCC meeting tomorrow.

He does not yet have the plans for Shenstone and Little Aston. He emphasised that SCC action is always driven by data which is currently not helping Shenstone as recent data reports have shown a reduction in speeds. Currently County Records only show Wall Heath Lane and Church Road as requiring County intervention.

The Chair declared Item 32 be brought forward as this was closely related to the current discussion. (See Item 32)

The Chair closed the public participation item, and 3 members of the public left the meeting.

22 Declarations of interest. Members should consider whether they should partake in any discussion or vote on matters on the agenda unless they have a dispensation:


23 To accept and confirm minutes of the last Full Council meeting on Tuesday 7th May 2024 Minutes duly approved and signed.

24 Clerks update on outstanding issues from the last meeting:

  • Outstanding community grants: Little Aston Village Hall. As funding has now been secured the Clerk will arrange payment soon.

  • Meeting with St Peter’s PTA representative: The Clerk has supported the applicants with details on how to complete the form and the group will be coming back to her with an application shortly. Cllr D’Ambrosio asked what projects they have in mind & the Clerk said they were focused on health & wellbeing, outdoor learning & a sensory garden.

  • Footherley bluebell woods: Cllr Thompson reported that the event was very successful, and the farmer would like to repeat it next year. Cllr Edgely commented on the gamekeepers’ concerns of tree branches falling. This was noted.

25 Councillor vacant positions.

The advert will be published on June 28th. The details of process and timescales are to be agreed and arranged. Action: Clerk to notify members.

26 To receive reports from District and County Councillors.

Grass cutting and hedge maintenance. County Cllr Smith reported that Stonnall borders have been cut. Little Aston and Shenstone are imminent. Hedges are now due to be cut as nesting is over.

The garden close to Main Street is the responsibility of the owner. The Clerk has already informed them of this. It will be followed up by a request from County.

The bollards outside Stonnall shops: as wagons cannot manage the turn, they are repeatedly damaged. An alternative solution is needed.

Church Wall at Stonnall: the costs of £85,000 are unrecoverable. Another source of funding is required. Cllr Salter asked to be kept informed of progress on Church Road and footpath.

Cllr Whitehouse reported on a project by Cllr Wilcox to identify new sites within wards to develop as nature havens. Three Councillors had suggestions for sites to be considered.

Cllr Whitehouse also explained a new scheme called ‘The Great Imagining’ in which parishes have a big part to play.

He noted that as this is the start of the new municipal year, committees are settling in and developing their plans.

27  Finance

Current Financial position and transactions for approval as of 11th June 2024. Link to financial transactions spreadsheet.

Nat West current account: £905

Nat West Business Account £24,355

Nat West Liquidity Account ring fenced funds for ear marked projects £111,387

Unity account £162,154.59

The following items were unable to be discussed as the internal audit was not completed.

-Complete and agree Annual Governance Statement

– Agree date of commencement and ending for the declaration of public rights

– Feedback and recommendations from internal audit

– Confirmation of internal auditor for 2024/25

– Confirmation of external auditor

Action: The Clerk will convene a meeting to enable submission before the end of June.

Clerk update on move to Scribe Accounts package: we are now fully on SCRIBE and records for the whole of April are completed. SCRIBE have monitored and are happy with the input.

Pre meet June 11th, 2024.

Ear marked funds

£11,040 previously ring fenced for Stonnall Neighbourhood Plan but now held for to be identified projects from it.

£90,000 Neighbourhood Plan Projects to be determined.

£10,000 St Johns Cemetery

£111,387 re ring fence total allocated.

CIL funding

£20,000- also to be utilised for neighbourhood plan projects.

It was confirmed by the Clerk that further project area specifications of how funds will be broken down for both the to be identified Neighbourhood Plan projects & the CIL funding is required. September is the deadline for doing so in order to feed into the forecast for the rest of the financial year & the budget for next year.

Update to grant policy.

Recommendations from the committee meeting were discussed and approved; the revised policy will be uploaded to the website.

Vote: to approve changes to the Grant Policy

Approved unanimously.

Next meeting of Finance, Legal, Health and Safety Committee Tues July 23rd, 2024, at 5.00 pm Shenstone Community Library.

28 Planning

Approve planning actions received in the last month and update on any objections/developments. Link to planning applications spreadsheet.

Cllr Thompson reported that there were no new planning applications or updates to report.

Next meeting of the Neighbourhood Planning & Property Committee Meeting:

Tuesday Oct 22nd 2024

29 Neighbourhood Plans and Reviews: update and next steps

Cllr Thompson: Review grant funding for 24/5 is now open. Changes: There is likely to be a real focus on traffic management coming from consultation in the 3 Wards. Increased volumes and velocities creating a negative emotional view of overall village quality of life separate to any statistical thresholds. There must be a balanced approach for all neighbourhoods.

Cllr Whitehouse: Stonnall Review is 12 months behind the other 2 Wards. Grant funding is open and the proposal following the meeting with Navigus is waiting for a breakdown of fees to apply.

30 Consideration of tenders for footpath and seating area Footherley Rd /Richard Cooper Rd junction: Quotes £3072.00 & £2700.00

There is a need to verify ownership of the land. It was noted that there were 2 quotes, but these were for different materials, so it was difficult to compare.

This project might require dropped kerbs. Highways need to be consulted. Cllr Harrison requested ‘like for like’ quotes. Resolution: The vote was unanimous for more information to be provided before a decision could be made.

31 Update on plans to mark the retirement of Councillor Val Neale: A card and bouquet have already been presented to Val.

Other suggestions- Cllr Edgley suggested arranging an afternoon tea in the Community Hall. Cllr Salter noted that the Civic Award nomination process was lengthy and complex. For the County Council Award presented by the Lord Lieutenant applications would need to be made through Cllr Smith.

Action: Cllr Salter asked for dates and costs for tea in the Community Hall to enable a vote.

32 Traffic Committee: updates and recommendations

(Moved to follow Item 21)

Cllr D’Ambrosia referred to information from the Stonnall report. Recommendations were made to explore previous SID sites, hot spots, and check on resurrecting those as well as equipment needed.

Installation: Ring fenced funds would be applied for.

Potential cost of £12,000 inclusive of installation etc. per unit. Potentially 6 sites in the 3 wards (2in each) with 2 units

Summary: Purchase of 2 devices inclusive of installation- £24,000. For use in all three villages. Using existing sites would reduce costs. The licence would last for 5 years.

Cllr Nicholls commented on the immense amount of data produced from SIDs. Cllr Smith noted that a plan was formulated several years ago and binned because of lack of police support.

Cllr Thompson reminded the Parish Council he had previously asked if the Parish could pay for police time to analyse data and the most senior officer in Lichfield had requested that our case be put to the Chief Constable. Cllr Smith said that County response would be that this was inappropriate for funding.

Cllr Whitehouse stated that traffic management is a major concern to residents, so some action needs to be taken. As Parish council has the budget, this action needs to be tried.

Cllr Harrison is concerned about the focus on data which is no deterrent.

Cllr Smith said that County could be commissioned to re undertake the data, but the average speed does not exceed the level at which the police prosecute. Cllr Salter pointed out the difference between average and individual data.

PCSO Horsnall noted that the police will keep reminding offending drivers reported from the Speedwatch team and the number of repeat offenders has reduced.

Cllr Nicholls asked for Council to be advised of the location of the known sites.

The Clerk called for a vote ‘in principle’ for the purchase of equipment pending a review on costings. Vote: Approved unanimously.

The Chair invited PCSO Horsnall to deliver her report.

PCSO Report: There have been calls from all 3 wards over the last month. The majority have come from Shenstone with Stonnall registering 18 and Little Aston 23. These have included vehicle crime and one case of drug activity.

There have been public order offences, 9 related to UAV. This problem is not going away and is using considerable police resources. There are monthly scheduled protests with some supporters being brought in by coach. 40 police have been drafted in to remove protestors. Courts are allowing short road closures where necessary. ‘Pop-up’ protests are impossible to predict creating a dynamic situation.

Speedwatch has a new training course in Lichfield for residents to join.

Police have dealt with an XL Bully report in Shenstone. This is ongoing and is being monitored.

Cllr Thompson asked about outcomes relating to ‘locking on’ offences. Cllr Salter stated that the court case for the first four offenders has been deferred to October.

33 Next newsletter: 28th June 2024 is the deadline for editorials. The Clerk

asked for suggestions for articles to be emailed to her. She clarified that articles could promote but not advertise.

34 Hedgehog Highways: The first fence frames went very quickly and were much appreciated.

Vote to purchase more fence frames at £157.50. Approved unanimously

35 The Chair read the following Statement:

In accordance with the provision of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, Section 5 of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations and Paragraphs 2, 3 and 7 of the Council’s Access to Information Rules, the public and press be excluded during consideration of the following item:

Update on Shenstone Playing Field Management Committee & The Country Club.’

Members of the public left the meeting and were thanked for their attendance.

Item 35 continued ‘in camera’

36 There being no further business the meeting was declared closed at 21:12

Next meeting of Full Council July 9th at Little Aston Village Hall 7.15pm.