Serving Little Aston, Shenstone, Stonnall, Shenstone Wood End, Lynn, Parish Council Office 25C Main Street Shenstone WS14 OLZ
Tel: 01543 481 947
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Approved minutes of the meeting of Full Council held on Tuesday Sept 27th 2022 at Shenstone Village Hall at 7.15pm.
62 Register of members in attendance.
Cllr David Salter (Shenstone Wood End-Chair), Cllr David Thompson, Cllr Stuart Jones, Cllr Lesley Edgley, Cllr Rita Hancocks (Shenstone), Cllr Sheila Beilby, Cllr Gail Nicholls, Cllr Val Neale (Stonnall), Cllr Kelly Harrison, Cllr Nick Smith (Little Aston).
63 Acceptance of apologies.
Cllrs Neil Perry, Mick Cox, District Cllrs Elizabeth Little, Brian Yeates.
64 Public Participation.
Members of the public are invited to address Council for a maximum of 15 minutes. None
65 Declarations of interest. Members should consider whether they should partake in any discussion or vote on matters on the agenda unless they have a dispensation:
66 To accept and confirm minutes of the last Full Council meeting on Tuesday 12th July 2022.
The minutes were approved & signed with one amendment in Item 51. The line “There was an emotional exchange between Cllrs Perry & Nicholls at this point” was changed to “There was a challenging interjection from Cllr Perry.” This change was made after full Council discussion and agreement.
67 Clerk’s update on outstanding issues from last meeting:
-Lammas Land boundary incursion: update from Pickerings Solicitors.
No response on this issue so Clerk requested urgent reply.
– Consideration of Councillor led grant submitted by Cllr Nick Smith for £1500 towards £5000 roof repairs at Footherley Working Men’s Club.
Cllr Smith has yet to complete the application paperwork but feels that the club provide valued facilities to the village & should be supported. Cllr Jones requested confirmation of ownership & Cllr Edgley wished to know where the other required funds were coming from.
It was agreed that more detail was required & Cllr Salter was charged with collating information to report back at a later meeting.
Following approval at an earlier Full Council meeting to support the installation of safety fencing around the edge of St Johns Cemetery at the rear of the old tower, Traditional Fabrications were chosen as the contractor with a quote of £12,432 inc VAT. Cllr Salter confirmed that the wall to which the railings will be attached was completely restabilised last year. RESOLUTION: Unanimously approved.
Following approval at an earlier Full Council meeting to support the construction of a new looped path on the Lammas Land, A. Ryan Landscapes were chosen as the contractor with a quote of £12,000. RESOLUTION: Unanimously approved.
Cllr Salter said the handrail next to the Parish noticeboard in Little Aston still needs to be sorted & he will liaise with Traditional Fabrications on this also.
68 To receive reports from District and County Councillors.
69 Finance.
Current financial position & transactions for approval as of 12th July 2022. Use this link to access the financial transactions spreadsheet
NatWest Current Account £905.00. Natwest Business Reserve £53,340.01. Natwest Liquidity Account £112,610.30 of which £110,000 ring fenced funds for agreed projects. Unity Account £193420.91
All transactions to date approved.
The Clerk informed Council that four community grant applications which were approved in February are still awaiting payment: Shenstone Village Hall, Shenstone & Stonnall Guides, Trinity Method Hall & St Johns Hall- all still to confirm exact purchase details.
Mazars external audit: the Clerk read the external audit report dated 12th August to Council & confirmed that there were no qualifications. A note is to be added to the website to confirm that the signed completed report is a scan and not a “wet” signature in order to adhere with
accessibility regulations.
70 Planning.
Approve planning applications received in last month and update on any objections/ developments. Use this link to access the planning applications spreadsheet
Cllr Thompson reported on the following applications:
8 The Grove, Little Aston: an objection was submitted on this retrospective application on the grounds of it being out of size with neighbouring properties
TPO served on a tree in ST Johns Hill.
Cartersfield Lane 21/01523/OUT- lost appeal.
Derry Farm: backing LDC objection on the grounds of it being an isolated growth point.
Land by school on Birmingham Rd: under LDC scrutiny
Springhill Farm, Muckley Corner: several more amendments made. County are across this
71 Councillor vacancies.
Four candidates to be interviewed on 3rd & 4th October for three vacant positions.
72 Standards & Code of Conduct.
The Clerk shared details of the NALC Dignity at Work policy & the Civility & Respect Pledge.
For consideration & discussion at a future meeting.
73 Shenstone & Stonnall Renewable Energy Feasibility Study: update & next steps.
Cllr Thompson reported that the Main Report has been signed off by the Working Group with the Executive Summary still to be finalised. The working group are compiling this themselves as it must be something residents are able to easily understand. Many thanks go to Jo Swinton & Peter Hedges who have put an enormous amount of time and effort into the project and making the report as accessible as it can be.
There are two options for further investigation:
Community option using the aquifer
Individual solution via air source heat pumps for on each home
The study covers two villages & gives two options as well as a rounded conclusion for further consultation. Council will be asking residents for permission to do the next stage of investigation with funding from central and/or local government as well as the private sector. Consultation will take six months from date of completion.
Cllr Salter commended Cllr Thompson on all his hard work to date.
74 Restoration work at St Johns Cemetery: update
All safety work to the graves at St Johns has been completed by Mark Ridgeway & his staff.
The graves have been handled with great sensitivity & there are no further safety concerns.
Tonks Tree Services are on site on the 28th to stump grind some potential trip hazards.
75 Community Governance Review: next steps.
This has now closed for comments and should be ratified at Lichfield District Council’s October meeting.
76 Pine Trees: problem trees alongside station track Admiral Parker Drive.
Cllr Edgley requested the Clerk investigate ownership of a strip of land alongside the train track in Admiral Parker Drive on which several problem pine trees are growing. The Clerk to
Investigate & report back.
77 Remembrance Sunday: Management arrangements & wreath ordering.
Council is taking the lead in arranging this years’ service in November with the next planning meeting scheduled for 3rd Oct. Ordering wreaths is now recommended to be done online and should be done by mid October.
78 Lengthsman: consideration of transport options.
Following advice from Alan Topliss that any van purchased & stored at the Lengthsman’s home would be subject to tax as a company vehicle, other options need to be considered.
Following discussions about possible letting of garages/lock ups, it was agreed that the Clerk should establish more detail re insurance & liability.
79 Christmas Market in Shenstone Dec 3rd 4.00-8.00pm.
Consideration of funding for public liability insurance at £125 & music Licence at £110.90.
RESOLUTION: Unanimously approved.
80 Right of way near Little Aston. Cllr Nick Smith to brief Council on requirements.
Deferred: Cllr Salter to establish specific right of way details.
81. Lichfield Greenspace Mowing Panel:
to consider less annual mowing cycles as part of LDC Biodiversity strategy. Cllr Thompson briefed Council on this initiative. Cllr Nicholls said this has already been adopted on Stonnall Playing Fields & Cllr Beilby said this should be part of the next tendering process which is imminent. Cllr Salter confirmed this initiative is already in place on Little Aston Recreation Ground.
82. in accordance with the provision of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, Section 5 of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations and Paragraphs 2, 3 and 7 of the Council’s Access to Information Rules, the public and press be excluded during consideration of the following item:
Protests in Shenstone & occupation of Malkins Coppice: update & next steps
Cllr Salter briefed Council on the recent protests both outside the UAV Factory in Shenstone & the occupation by protesters in the trees of Malkins Coppice. – Approximately 2 weeks ago the Police arrested 14 protesters which included all of those occupying Malkins Coppice. They were released on bail under condition that they must not return to the area. At approximately 4:00pm this afternoon the remaining protesters, who were encamped on the grass verge outside the factory, all left the site.
The concern of this action being repeated remains with the advice from Eversheds Solicitor that he would not hesitate to recommend a civil injunction. This would prevent any occupation of Malkins Coppice at all but not affect the open access i.e. simply make any camping of any kind unlawful. The cost of any legal action needs to be very carefully considered with other sources of funding including supported contributions being considered.
RESOLUTION: Council voted in the majority to investigate a civil injunction as a next step including funding.