Serving Little Aston, Shenstone, Stonnall, Shenstone Wood End, Lynn, Parish Council Office 25C Main Street Shenstone WS14 OLZ
Tel: 01543 481 947
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Approved minutes of Full Council on Tuesday June 14th 2022 at Shenstone Village Hall, Shenstone at 7.15pm
25 Register of members in attendance
Cllr David Salter, Chairman (Shenstone Wood End), Cllr David Thompson, Cllr Stuart Jones, Cllr Neil Perry, Cllr Lesley Edgley & Cllr Rita Hancocks (Shenstone)
Cllr Sheila Beilby, Cllr Gail Nicholls, Cllr Mick Cox, Cllr Val Neale, Cllr Nicola Macdonald (Stonnall). Cllr Nick Smith (Little Aston). Shirley O’Mara (Clerk)
County Cllr David Smith. Mrs Joanne Swinton (RCEF Working Group)
26 Acceptance of apologies. Cllr Kelly Harrison
27 Public Participation.
Members of the public are invited to address Council for a maximum of 15 minutes. None
28 Presentation of Bioregional Rural Energy Feasibility Reports for Shenstone & Stonnall.
There followed a Zoom update of work on the feasibility study so far for both Shenstone & Stonnall. This included preferred options which will be presented to the residents of both villages at separate public meetings next week.
29 Declarations of interest.
Members should consider whether they should partake in any discussion or vote on matters on the agenda unless they have a dispensation: None
30 To accept and confirm minutes of the last Full Council meeting on Tuesday 10th May 2022.
Duly approved & signed.
31 Clerk’s update on outstanding issues from last meeting:
Confirmation of Parish Council representatives on Little Aston Recreation Ground Committee:
Former Councillors Mrs Jean Wilson & Mr Charles Fordham.
Cllr Salter read a thank you card from Friday Friends expressing appreciation for the recent Jubilee grant.
32 To receive reports from District and County Councillors.
County Cllr Smith thanked Cllr Beilby for her efforts regarding the Stonnall Playing Fields Jubilee event which was a big success.
He then reminded Council that it holds reserved funds of approx. £9K towards the Stonnall Neighbourhood Plan with a community review imminent. Cllr Thompson confirmed that Parish have also made an approach for sponsorship for the planned neighbourhood plan refreshes which will commence also on a community basis after the Local Plan has been approved by Lichfield District Council.
Re Item 37, Cllr Smith said he expects a note soon explaining how the prioritisation is going to work with County still leading on local projects but deciding how best to accelerate projects highlighted by Parish if practicable.
Cllr Nicholls asked Cllr Smith for advice re the ongoing issue of access on Footpath 13.
Cllr Smith said this is not a County issue. Cllr Nicholls stated that she was aware of that & Council had been paying to keep the path clear but as it crosses private land the landowner will not allow access. Cllr Smith said he would look into a letter being sent to the landowner highlighting responsibilities.
Cllr Salter stated that a new waste review is starting. Cllr Beilby mentioned ongoing issues with re-cycling tetra packs.
33 Finance.
Current financial position & transactions for approval as of 14th June 2022 were shared. Link to financial transactions spreadsheet
Unity Account £220,158.45. Nat West Current Account £905. Nat West Business Reserve £53,326.57, Nat West Liquidity Account £112,496.84 of which £110,000 is ring fenced for ear marked projects.
Recommendations from Finance, Legal, Health & Safety Committee meeting Tuesday 24th May 2022: 1) To engage CCLA Wealth Management to hold banking funds of £85,000
In order to meet FCA guidelines. Exact fund distribution advice awaited from Alan Topliss, Internal Auditor. RESOLUTION: Unanimously approved.
2) Purchase of a dog poo pin for Right of Way Path 13, Stonnall RESOLUTION: Unanimously approved
3) In order for the new Lengthsman to carry equipment easily, a maximum sum of £5,000 be used for the purchase of a small van including insurance RESOLUTION: Unanimously approved investigations should be made looking at all options including possible hiring rather than purchasing & electric/petrol rather than diesel.
Agree & approve Finance Terms of Reference.
Duly approved & signed
34 Planning.
Approve planning applications received in last month and update on any objections/ developments including Cartersfield Lane & Shenstone Business Park development. Link to planning applications spreadsheet
The objections submitted re Cartersfield Lane development still pending. The Court Drive application which Council objected to has been refused.
A development in Main St, Shenstone for the development of two apartments will be closely looked at.
The application for the development on Shenstone Business Park is causing much concern as at some point the applicant has reduced the number of homes from 96 to 59 without any illustrative layout detailing mix of house types, sizes & heights, as well as location of office accommodation and landscaping. It was unanimously agreed that a letter be sent to Lichfield District Council expressing these concerns and requesting a response.
Cllr Smith also asked if there would be a commitment towards the development focusing on renewable energy. Whilst this is not essential before 2025, Cllr Thompson said this could be relevant as the buildings may not be constructed by that time.
Cllr Salter mentioned the LDC Reg & Licencing committee will be determining the outcome of the Community Governance Review on Monday 20th June.
The officer recommendation is that Stonnall remain with Shenstone Parish Council.
This news was welcomed by all with Cllr Thompson also stating that work needs to be done to address the concerns of those who felt necessary to favour separation.
Next meeting of the Neighbourhood, Planning & Property Committee Meeting: Weds 6th July 2022 at 5.30pm Parish Office.
35 Standing Orders: Review, approve and adopt
Duly approved & signed
36 Government Platinum Jubilee Village Hall fund
All info re this opportunity shared with potentially eligible organisations.
37 Recommendations from meeting of the Employment Committee 18th May 2022:
Purchase of walking shoes & a wheeled trolley to assist junior Lengthsman with deliveries of newsletters, etc. RESOLUTION: Unanimously approved
A salary increase of £1.00 per hour back dated to beginning of April for junior Lengthsman. RESOLUTION: Unanimously approved
New Lengthsman’s salary to be reviewed at the end of a 3-month working period.
RESOLUTION: Unanimously approved
Increase in Registrar stipend from £125.00 per month to £150.00 per month back dated to April. First increase in over 4 years. RESOLUTION: Unanimously approved
Clerk salary increase from April subject to national salary negotiations.
RESOLUTION: Unanimously approved
37 Traffic review: update on SID’s & Staffs County Council policy regarding issues prioritised if Parish Council funded.
Cllr Salter had investigated and discovered that the SID programme would not be re-instated by SSRP/County and that the old equipment had all been disposed of. Parish Councils are now able to operate their own, self-funded, permanent or portable SID programme. Research showed an average price of a modern, data collection SID head unit to be in the region of £2,000 + mounting post. Locations would need sanction from County. Existing approved sites can continue to be used providing post sockets are still viable without need for full Safety Concern Zone assessment. A section 50 license would need to be obtained by SPC to permit installation… Ongoing.
38 Casual Vacancy: update .
Two applications have been received with another expected before the closing date. Interviews will then need to be arranged.
39 St Johns Cemetery graveyard gravestone project.
Update. Full faculty permission is required before any work can commence. Clerk to provide Rev Liz with detail. If work is not completed before the opening of the Tower, which is looking extremely likely, the area around the Tower itself will be made safe.
40 Lammas Land infringement investigations:
update & next steps. No further update from Pickerings Solicitors.
41 Problem parking outside ELC Distribution, Lynn Lane.
Following a number of issues with cars parking on the grassy bank blocking the pavement and causing damage, the Clerk has established through County that the land is owned by Staffs County itself.
RESOLUTION: Clerk to write to the company confirming county ownership and requesting parking on this land cease.
42 Richard Cooper Road bench.
After a very successful trial period it was agreed that a more permanent bench should be purchased for this location. RESOLUTION: Unanimously approved
43 Appointment of Parish Council representative on Friends of Shenstone Tower Committee.
Cllr Jones was confirmed.
44 Summer newsletter.
It was agreed that a newsletter would be produced with a big focus on the highly successful Jubilee celebrations as well as important news updates.
Deadline for submission June 22nd.