Draft SPC Minutes 09.07.24

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Serving Little Aston, Shenstone, Stonnall, Shenstone Wood End, Lynn, Parish Council Office 25C Main Street Shenstone WS14 OLZ
Tel: 01543 481 947
e-mail: <admin@shenstone-staffs.gov.uk >
web: www.shenstone-staffs.gov.uk

Draft minutes of meeting of Full Shenstone Parish Council 9th July 2024

42. Register of members in attendance

Cllr David Salter -Chair, Cllrs Lesley Edgley, David Thompson, Christopher Callow, Ruth Graham, Dino D’Ambrosio, Gail Nicholls, Mick Cox, Stuart Harrison.
Simon Fisher, Phil Whitehouse.
County Councillor David Smith.
Shirley O’Mara (Clerk/RFO) Pam Salter (Minute Clerk)
No members of the public

43 Acceptance of apologies.


44 Public participation
Members of the public are invited to address Council for a max. of 15 minutes.

No members of the public were present.

PCSO Tom Passmore sent in the following crime report for the period 10/06/24-8/07/24:
Total calls to police-111
 Shenstone                      Stonnall             Little Aston
Calls 78                                 11                         22
Crimes 13                              4                           7
Anti-social behaviour 2          0                           0
Theft of motor vehicle 2         0                           0
Theft from motor vehicle 1     0                           0
Attempted theft of vehicle 1   1                           0
Vehicle criminal damage 2     2                           0
Burglaries 0                            0                           2

45 Declarations of interest. Members should consider whether they should partake in any discussion or vote on matters on the agenda unless they have a dispensation:


46 To accept and confirm minutes of the last Full Council meeting on Tuesday 11th June 2024

Minutes duly approved and signed.

To accept and confirm minutes of the Full Council EGM to approve audit Tuesday 18th June.

Minutes duly approved and signed.

47 Clerks update on outstanding issues from the last meeting:

• Outstanding community grants: Little Aston Village Hall has now been paid.

All grant applications for this session have been finalised.

• Richard Cooper Rd/Footherley Lane footpath: more detailed specifications are needed. This is not urgent and has been deferred to the September meeting.
• The newly installed defibrillator in Smarts Avenue has been used.
• The defibrillator at The Holly Bush is now functional

48 To receive reports from County and District Councillors

Cllr Smith:
• Roadworks and traffic modifications. Although SCAR have produced a good report much of it does not comply with traffic regulations. He would welcome prior notice of Council’s plans and proposals to enable consultation as to what is viable.
• The 30 mph sign in Lynne Lane (item 59). This is not a standard sign and it is currently in production.
• The overgrown hedge at Main Street. The parish wrote to 3 people involved last October. One resident responded to say the hedge is not their responsibility, with no response from the others.
• Bollards: replacements rarely last long as vehicles do not have enough room to manoeuvre. Cllr Smith will take advice on possible alternative solutions.
Cllr Smith excused himself from the meeting.

Cllrs Whitehouse and Salter had no updates to share with Council.

49 Finance

Current Financial position and transactions for approval as of July 9th, 2024. Link to financial transactions spreadsheet

No questions re transactions. Balance of accounts:
• Nat West current account: £904.65
• Nat West Business/ reserve Account £34,382.91
• Nat West Liquidity Account ring fenced funds for ear marked projects £101,652.55
• Unity account £142,104.31

Appointment of internal auditor for 2024/25. Toplis Associates Ltd had been proposed.

Cllr Whitehouse reminded council that because of issues arising, a change of auditor had been suggested. Cllr Edgley acknowledged this but as the new system is up and running the proposal was that Council remain with Toplis Associates. Cllr Whitehouse believed that audit rotation was a recommended practice, particularly from a transparency and fairness perspective. Cllr Fisher was in agreement with this view.
The Clerk commented that, from a personal point of view, she would find it difficult to put this change to Alan Toplis because of his invaluable support when she took over her role but this should not be a factor in the decision.
Cllr Harrison felt that it would perhaps be too much change for now to appoint a new auditor.
Cllr Whitehouse proposed that Alan Toplis be approved until year ending May 2025 but to research other auditors for the future.
Vote: To confirm that Alan Toplis Associates Ltd be appointed internal auditor for 2024/25 with a change to be considered from May 2025.
RESOLUTION: Approved unanimously

External auditors for 2024/25 External auditors are appointed by NALC The Clerk confirmed she is happy with the service they provide. Resolution: External auditors confirmed as Mazars.

Update on the move to Scribe Accounts package. The Clerk confirmed that SCRIBE was working well.
The Clerk advised that the next meeting of Finance, Legal, Health and Safety Committee Tues July 23rd, 2024, was not required and should be rescheduled for September. As Cllr Nicholls is on leave during September the Clerk would liaise to set a new date.

50 Planning

Approve planning actions received in the last month and update on any objections/developments. Link to planning applications spreadsheet
Cllr Thompson praised the successful efforts to ‘nip in the bud’ the proposed telecommunication poles scheduled for erection at The Irish Harp and Little Aston triangle.

South Staffs Water’s (SSW) application to the District Councils Strategic Housing and Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) regarding land around the pumping station. Cllr Thompson has a meeting arranged with SSW to discuss this expression of interest to build houses on what is now green field and may become grey field area. Cllr Edgerley believed that this was flood plain land.
Cllr Thompson agreed.

The Traffic Management Plan for Chesterfield Farm is still outstanding. LDC are still awaiting submissions.

Next meeting of the Neighbourhood Planning & Property Committee Meeting:
Tuesday Oct 22nd at 5.30pm

51 To accept resignations of Cllrs Stuart Jones and Emma Scothern

Cllr Salter noted that although the written resignations were of immediate effect Council had to formally approve. Resolution: approved unanimously

52 To review applications for the already existing 2 vacant Council positions and agree recruitment process and timescales.

The Clerk has received two 2 letters of application. An interview date needs to be agreed to be held before the summer recess.
Cllr Whitehouse Commented that he had already registered an interest in sitting on the interview panel. Cllr Nicholls said that the panel is usually the employment committee, that it was very uncomfortable for applicants with too many Councillors in the room and there is currently representation from each ward,
therefore asked why it should be changed. Cllr Whitehouse said there needs to be input from other Councillors and that a refresh is a positive thing.
It was noted that the makeup of the Employment Committee has changed due to the resignation of Cllr Jones. Cllr D’Ambrosio suggested that perhaps now was a good time for one of the newer Councillors to be more involved with both himself & Cllr Fisher having experience of interviewing & put themselves forward. Cllr Thompson said he would be happy to Chair. This would again mean that there would be a representative from each ward.
Cllr Nicholls was unhappy that this would be an all-male panel.
A vote was taken on the proposal of Cllrs Thompson, D’Ambrosio & Fisher to take the interviews. RESOLUTION: Approved by 10 votes to 1

The Clerk asked for diaries to be consulted to set a date.

Casual vacancies: Notice to be posted on July 10th.

53 To agree 2 representatives for SPFC and one for Shenstone Village Hall

The decision on representatives for SPFC was deferred pending in camera discussions at Item 61.

Cllr Chris Callow put himself forward as a representative for Shenstone Village Hall and was approved unanimously.

54 Little Aston and Shenstone Neighbourhood Plan Revisions

Cllr Thompson thanked the working groups for all their efforts and the continuity of plans. He summarised the proposed revisions as follows:

That this meeting of Shenstone Parish Council approved for submission to Lichfield District Council two revised Neighbourhood Plans, one for Little Aston and the other for Shenstone following a further formal round of consultation. The two Neighbourhood Plans have been revised following evaluation by separate working groups and community stakeholders and the proposed revisions have been put to a first round of local consultation which added to the proposed revisions and amended others. These two revised documents now need a final community sign off before submission to the District Council.

The District Council will then consider the proposed revisions and may submit the revised Neighbourhood Plans for an independent examination this may include a referendum on the proposed changes if the independent inspectors conclude that is required. This process will take several months.

The proposed revisions to the Little Aston Neighbourhood Plan include:-
• Future provision of footpaths and cycle ways
• Designation of a Quiet Lane
• Strengthening of the Village Hall as a Community Hub
• Conservation Area Solar Panels
• Pedestrian safety measures
• Low energy construction measures
• Light pollution reduction
The proposed revisions to the Shenstone Neighbourhood Plan include
• Future provision of footpaths
• Provision of toddler play provision for the south of the village
• Conservation area solar panels
• Pedestrian safety measures
• Traffic calming
• Wildlife routes protection
• Low energy construction measures
• Light pollution reduction
• Small Business Development in existing community buildings
The draft revised plans are available on the website.
Cllr Thompson recommended voting to progress the Neighbourhood Plan revisions to LDC following a final consultation by the Parish Council.

Cllr Graham asked for more information about what a quiet lane is. Cllr Stuart Harrison explained that it is a road used predominantly by pedestrians, cyclists, joggers and horse riders due to the usually low vehicle use.
Cllr Whitehouse commended the thoroughness of Cllr Thompson and his team. He asked how Council now make this a ‘living document.’ Cllr Thompson said that we are fortunate to have several groups keen to progress, for example the wildlife group.
Cllr Salter referred to a cross-party discussion and agreement at the LDC meeting earlier that evening that suggested that Neighbourhood plans should be taken more notice of. Cllr Whitehouse agreed that this was endorsed in the minutes.
Cllr D’Ambrosio wondered if reference to Neighbourhood plans could somehow be linked into estate agents’ literature.
Cllr Thompson mentioned the opposition to subdivision of back garden development in the first neighbourhood plans and the prevention of ‘cramming.’
Vote: to submit the 2 final drafts of the Neighbourhood plans to LDC.
RESOLUTION: Approved unanimously

Stonnall Neighbourhood plan: Cllr Whitehouse reported that Stonnall are providing extra details and are waiting for Locality to give permission.

55 Consideration of a Community Grant application from St. Peters School PTA.

Cllr D’Ambrosio discussed the proposal. A footpath to the library, railings and wheelchair accessibility would be helpful for inclusivity for a current pupil. There is a push for the development of a sensory garden to support outdoor learning and promote mental and physical wellbeing of pupils. Quotes are now coming through. In addition, Times Table Rockstars online subscription (to help with pupil’s times tables) would be of great benefit to pupils. The PTA are hopeful for a vote of approval in principle to allow progression before the end of term.
Cllr Harrison considered the sensory garden an excellent proposal. He was a little concerned that the Times Tables subscription as this is not an ancillary revenue spend but more an education remit.
Vote: ‘To support in principle (pending formal quotes) a grant of up to £1,700 for a sensory garden’.
RESOLUTION: Approved unanimously a grant of up to £1,700 but not to include the subscription.

56 Update on plans to mark the retirement of Councillor Val Neale:

The Clerk is awaiting a date for the celebratory tea party. She is also collecting historical facts and evidence to support an application for a UK National honour.
Cllr Whitehouse expressed his thanks to the Clerk.

57 Renewable Energy Project update

Cllr Thompson stated that the PC can apply for a grant of up to £15,000. A good tender is required.

Solar, wind and Aquafer are all of recognised value.

A NALC rural communities article suggests making the most of your assets.

58 Traffic Committee; update on proposed location for SIDS across wards

Cllr D’Ambrosio reported that at the last meeting SCAR committed to look at SID locations to try to find previously used sites.
They identified:
Stonnall: Wall Heath Lane(existing) Cartersfield Lane, Church Lane
Little Aston: Aldridge Rd, Blake St, Little Aston Lane (all existing)
Shenstone: Lynne Lane, Birmingham Rd, Ashcroft Lane

Costs would be £12,500 per SID. They would look at purchasing 2 & rotating. Since then, Cllr Whitehouse has found that Wall Heath Lane site cannot be used because of distance from the road.
Church Lane & Cartersfield require resident approval. Beth Tranter of Staffs County Council needs to check the rest. There are queries around SIDs and legal constraints. Cllr Smith needs to clarify what types of SID we can have.

Next steps: Confirm sites, find a new site for Wall Heath Lane. Cllr Salter suggested asking for a site visit.
Cllr Whitehouse: in referring back to item 48 where Cllr Smith asked to be informed in advance of proposals Parish needs to write a specific email to Cllr Smith and Beth Tranter putting forward plans for all wards. Cllr Smith appears to think that SCAR just speaks for Stonnall.
Cllr Thompson also considers that a coherent letter should be sent to Cllr Smith,
Resolution: Cllr D’Ambrosio and Cllr Whitehouse to draft a letter to Cllr Smith
Vote: approved unanimously

59 Lynne Lane 30 mph signs. Covered by Cllr Smith in item 48.

Signs currently being manufactured.

60 Consideration & adoption of – new NALC Financial Regulations
-Financial Risk Register -Risk Assessment

Copies of these documents had been circulated prior to the meeting for Cllrs to familiarise themselves with. The Clerk checked that Cllrs had read the documents and it was confirmed they had. A vote to adopt the three policies was taken: RESOLUTION: Approved unanimously.

61 In camera meeting.
In accordance with the provision of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, Section 5 of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations and Paragraphs 2, 3 and 7 of the Council’s Access to Information Rules, the public and press be excluded during consideration of the following item:

‘Update on Shenstone Playing Fields Management Committee & The Country Club’

62 There being no further business the meeting was declared closed at 22.08

Next meeting of Full Council Sept 10th Stonnall Community Centre 7.15pm.