What’s On in Shenstone

Regular Village Events:-

Shenstone Seniors Saturday Brunch Club

Recognising the need for a place where older residents of the parish can come for a quiet cuppa, some delicious warm treats and a chat with friends, Mary Jones and a small group of volunteers will be offering a monthly
“Saturday Morning Brunch” from 10.0 am to 12.0 pm on the first Saturday in the month at the Wesley Hall in Trinity church.
Each month there will be bacon baps, Buttermilk pancakes with Cherry Compote and breakfast pastries, plus of course tea and coffee. 

All of the food on offer will be freshly cooked or Baked and each month there will be “special” items on the menu.

In addition to the food being served, customers will be able to buy home made take-away cakes and pastries etc. Future events will sponsor fund raising stalls for  local groups to sell items in support of their organisation. 

So please diaraise the following dates for 2024:-
6th April, 4th May, 1st June, 6th July, 3rd August, 7th September, 5th October, 2nd November, 7th December.

The parish council are actively supporting this venture.

Shenstone Seniors Light Lunch Club

On the third Saturday of every month, Val, Brenda and the team provide a light lunch for the older residents of Shenstone. The lunches are served at the Wesley Hall in Trinity Methodist church from 12.0 pm to 2.0 pm. There will be a main course and desert, followed by tea or coffee and biscuits for a set price of £5.

Lunch dates for 2024 are:
20th April, 18th May, 15th June, 20th July, 17th August, 21st September, 19th October, 16th November

The Old Tower is open to visitors on the first Saturday of the month from 10 to 12.

The keys are available from the library to see inside but visitors cannot go onto the roof unescorted. We decorated the Tower with lights for Christmas. The next phase of our renovation is to fit out the inside of the Tower with visitor attractions and historical information. This is underway and we hope to complete this during 2023.
We welcome visits from any group or organisation within the village or from further afield – please just get in touch with us  through the library or parish office. We’d love to see you!

Open Tower Dates July – December 2024

July 6th Sat 10.00 – 12.00, July 21st Sun 2.00 – 4.00, August 3rd Sat 10.00 – 12.00, August 18th Sun 2.00 – 4.00, Sept 7th Sat 10.00 – 12.00, Sept 22nd Sun 2.00 – 4.00, Oct 5th Sat 10.00 – 12.00, November 2nd Sat 10.00 – 12.00, December 7th Sat 10.00 – 12.00

Fancy a walk? Shenstone Strollers meet every Wednesday outside no.4 Footherley Road at 9.30 am. Their walks are from local rural locations, usually around 3 – 5 miles at a “gentle” pace. Everyone welcome.  

Interested in plants and gardening? Why not join the Stonnall Gardening Guild. Click here for their 2022 programme 

Here is a link to the library Website for what’s happening at the Library. 

Tai Chi actionsTai Chi Chuan has many benefits to ones health and well-being regardless of your age or present fitness levels. A low impact gentle form of exercise suitable for all. Slow graceful movements encourage relaxation, deep breathing, balance and coordination; the result being a calmer, healthier, stronger and more confident individual.

If you would like to benefit from Tai Chi, come along to our weekly sessions held on Tuesday afternoons  from 2.00 pm to 3.00 pm  in St. John’s Church Hall, St. John’s Hill, Shenstone,  WS14 0JB.
Yin Yang imageFor further details, please ring Neil on 07721 670913
eMail: taichineil@gmail.com

The Shenstone Baby and Toddler Group meets every Wednesday at 9:30 until 11:30 at St Johns Hall, Shenstone. We are a volunteer run, community group which offer a friendly and safe environment for little ones to play, explore and share a snack whilst the mummy’s, daddy’s, grandparents etc enjoy a brew and a chat. The age range is 0 to 4 years and we have toys suitable to entice and entertain all these ages.
It’s £2 for the first child and £1 extra for siblings.
For more information, search for us on Facebook or contact Victoria Dawson on 07970 715893

Norton Classic Motorcycle Club We are a Classic Motorcycle Club and we meet every 4th Tuesday from approximately 8 pm at the Shenstone Pavillion Club. We welcome anyone who has an interest in motorbikes, so please come along and join us.
Link to our Website for further information.