Serving Little Aston, Shenstone, Stonnall, Shenstone Wood End, Lynn, Parish Council Office 25C Main Street Shenstone WS14 OLZ
Tel: 01543 481 947
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Approved minutes of meeting of Full Council on Tuesday December 10th at Little Aston Village Hall at 6.45pm
Register of members in attendance.
Cllrs David Salter, David Thompson, Sheila Beilby, Stuart Jones, John Branch, Lesley Edgley, Neil Perry, Mick Cox, Val Neale, Gail Nicholls, Nicki Gobran, Kelly Harrison, Nick Smith.
County Cllr David Smith. Shirley O’Mara (Clerk/RFO)
Acceptance of apologies.
Cllr Nicola Macdonald & Cllr Darryl Godden, District Cllrs Elizabeth Little & Brian Yeates.
Public Participation. Members of the Public are invited to address Council for a maximum of 15 minutes.
Declarations of interest .Members should consider whether they should partake in any discussion or vote on matters on the agenda unless they have a dispensation.
Blanket dispensations in place for any items as approved May 2019.
To accept and confirm minutes of the last Full Council meeting on Tuesday 12th November 2019
Confirmed & signed.
Clerks report on outstanding matters from minutes Tues 12th November 2019
The Clerk updated Council on some delivery problems with the newsletter in Little Aston. Cllr Perry suggested using the e-bulletin as a means of sharing and Cllrs Salter & Gobran suggested contacting LAPRA to include their members. Clerk to action: DONE
To receive reports from District and County Councillors.
District Cllr David Smith stated that County will support Council with technical advice regarding recent flooding in St Peters Close, Stonnall. There is ongoing works to tackle flood issues across the Parish including outside Little Aston Village Hall.
The final consultation is to begin shortly regarding parking restrictions around Shenstone Station.
Consultations re access to Shenstone & Cartersfield Lane will be early in the New Year. The location of the gates will be close to Court Drive but the exact design scheme has not been seen as yet.
Cllr Smith is happy to offer help and suggestions of residents who would be able to share useful knowledge regarding the County offer to purchase the Stonnall Youth & Community Centre for £1.00.
Cllr Beilby raised ongoing issues with the A461 which has been reported several times. Cllr Smith is aware but said that pressures on the service at the moment are very high.
Cllr Smith wished Council a Merry Christmas and success for the New Year.
Finance: Transactions for approval & financial position as Dec 10th 2019
The Clerk shared November transactions. Cllr Thompson noted that in November we had utilised the ad hoc services of the Lengths man’s assistant more than the Lengthsman himself. The Clerk explained that this was because the Lengthsman, Stephen Crane, had been ill for several days so the assistant covered the scheduled works. Also the assistant had responded to the urgent call out for help after the St Peters Close flooding and delivered most of the newsletters in Shenstone at a considerable saving. Cllr Thompson accepted those facts and commented on the success of the scheme. However, he stated that the Employment Committee should meet regularly to review and reflect with changes made if necessary.
Finance position as at 10th Dec 2019:
Nat West Current Account: £930.00 Nat West Business Reserve Account: £123,234.68
Nat West Liquidity Account: £161,155.79 Unity Account: £35,121.43
Planning applications
Objection submitted re application 19/01303 Ashcroft Lane on the grounds of over intensification was successful but the objection re Sabaar Lodge, Birmingham Rd was not. However, the application for the latter shows a high quality demolition & new build.
An application for development at Shenstone Moss has now been validated & Cllr Thompson has all documentation.
Cllr Thompson will also look again at the application regarding the former Ash & Lacey site which has until the end of the month for responses.
Update from Neighbourhood Planning & Property Committee Meeting Tuesday November 26th 2019 inc
Stonnall culvert/flooding – Cllr Thompson briefed Council on the recommendation that action is taken to prevent the risk of accident or worse at the site of the culvert. Still awaiting feedback from Staffs County re a new trash screen and flooding advice. All agreed there needs to be a more focused remedy.
Stonnall Youth & Community Centre – consider offer for transfer of ownership for £1.00 & consider building appraisal received. RECOMMENDATION: to form a steering group including representation from Stonnall that needs to:
- Scrutinise the terms of the offer including control of the car park
- Reflect on the needs of the users both now & in the future
- Look at the building’s condition, and assuming a replacement is required, look at specification, the planning application, tendering and building.
- Ensure maximum flexibility and rights.
This recommendation was overwhelmingly approved with volunteers as follows: Cllr Thompson, Cllr Cox, Cllr Beilby, Cllr Nicholls & Cllr Perry.
It was noted that feedback has been received from the SY&CC Chairman regarding the recent building appraisal. Cllr Cox confirmed that in his view the report is nonsense. It was agreed that the steering group will look closely at the report but no additional survey will be commissioned at this stage.
Unsafe trees on right of way next to Birchbrook Industrial Estate.
The Clerk shared a quote from Calder Tree Services regarding some leaning/unsafe trees on the right of way at the side of Birchbrook Estate. It was agreed that the Clerk should establish responsibility with the Pathway Officer at Lichfield District Council. If responsibility is with them then we could offer to get the work done & send the bill on. If it is with Parish, then Council approved the full quote of £700 + VAT. Cllr Perry said that we should then publicise the work completed.
.gov email addresses
There have been very obvious problems. Would Councillors who have not yet fed back to Cllr Salter with their issues, if any, please do so? A report will then be compiled & sent to Jayne Laverick.
Cllr Thompson stressed the importance of fixing the defects but not abandoning the initiative.
St Peters Close tree on un-adopted land. Consider request to cut back from resident.
There has been further communication from a resident of Stonnall re a tree on un-adopted land in Stonnall.
Cllr Nicholls briefed Council on the history behind it. The Clerk has been in touch with Gareth Hare at Lichfield District Council who has stated that the land is not un-adopted- it is either owned by the developer or is “Bona Vacantia‘ meaning ownerless property, which by law passes to the Crown. Either way Council cannot give permission to touch the tree or it could be seen as trespass and damage. The Clerk is trying to establish exact ownership so the resident can pursue purchase as is his stated intention. Cllr Cox explained that this takes up to twenty years if via adverse possession means.
Complaint against Stonnall Youth & Community Centre Management Committee and Shenstone ParishCouncil: to consider response and next steps. *CONFIDENTIAL ITEM.
Cllr David Salter read the following statement as advised by the Society of Local Council Clerks Legal Advisory Team: It must be noted that this December Council meeting had its start time brought forward in order to, and with the full intention of, allowing time for a full and detailed discussion with the objective that progress could be made towards resolution of the complaint against Stonnall Youth & Community Centre Management Committee (SY&CCMC).
However, in the light of communications received only two days ago, containing legally advised statements which question amongst other things the role and position of this Council, further advice has been received from the Society of Local Council Clerks Legal Advisory Team .
This advice is that, as the SYCCMC themselves have sought legal advice, the Parish Council itself has no option but to seek legal representation also. Whilst clearly this will involve expenditure of public money it cannot now be avoided. Both the complainant and the SY&CCMC should be notified to this effect and no further discussion on this issue will take place at this time.
Date of next meeting:
Tuesday 14th January 2020 at Shenstone Village Hall at 7.15pm.