F.L.H & S  Meeting  Minutes  September 2020

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Serving Little Aston, Shenstone, Stonnall, Shenstone Wood End, Lynn, Parish Council Office 25C Main Street
Shenstone WS14 OLZ
Tel: 01543 481 947
e-mail: <admin@shenstone-staffs.gov.uk >
web: www.shenstone-staffs.gov.uk

Approved Minutes from Finance, Legal, Health & Safety Committee Meeting of Shenstone Parish Council held on 22nd September 2020 via Zoom at 5.30pm.

1 Register of members in attendance:

Cllrs David Salter; Sheila Beilby; Nicola Macdonald; Stuart Jones; Gail Nicholls Clerk Shirley O’Mara

2 Acceptance of apologies.

Cllr Nicki Gobran

3 Public Participation.

Members of the Public are invited to address Council for a maximum of 15 minutes:

None in attendance

4 Declarations of interest. Members should consider whether they should partake in any discussion or vote on matters on the agenda unless they have a dispensation:


5 To accept and confirm minutes of the last Finance Committee meeting on Tuesday 3rd March 2020

Signed and approved

6 Finance– current financial position as at 23rd September 2020:

Unity Bank £162,314.54 Nat West Current Account 905.00 Nat West Business Reserve £53,309.73 Nat West Liquidity Account (earmarked funds for possible Stonnall Youth & Community Centre rebuild, revised Neighbourhood Plans, management agreements re all Council land & buildings plus associated legal costs)£162,137.31.

September transactions were shared. Cllr Beilby queried invoices from Solvac & SSE. The Clerk explained the Solvac invoices include extensive work on the website in order to comply with new accessibility regulation & the SSE bills cover six months. Gritting Services which the Clerk provided the necessary information for.

7. Review and adopt Finance Terms of Reference.

Cllr Salter requested that under Delegated Powers & Authority wording be amended to

The Council has delegated responsibility to the Finance Committee as stated in Standing Orders 14.2”. The Committee agreed with the additional clarification.

Signed & adopted.

8 Stonnall Flood Resilience Work.

The Clerk briefed Council on the issues around the work completed on Stonnall Playing Field in relation to resident’s new fencing & the culvert. The snagging works have now been completed by the Contractor and await approval. Cllrs Beilby & Nicholls to report back before the Clerk makes payment. The Clerk will notify Staffs CC.

9 A.O.B.

Re-apppointment of Chair of Finance, Legal, Health & Safety Committee.

Cllr Sheila Beilby was proposed by Cllr Salter, seconded by Cllr Nicholls & duly re=elected as Chair of the Committee.

Consider BT halo offer.

Full details attached offering a saving of £975.60 over two years. RECOMMENDATION: The Finance Committee voted unanimously to support this initiative.

Replacement tree in Stonnall.

The Clerk reminded Council that a tree removed on the Highway in Stonnall has still to be replaced.

RECOMMENDATION: The Finance Committee voted unanimously to wait until the Spring to make the purchase

Stonnall Playing Fields new bins

Consider request from Cllr Beilby for two new bins on the play area in Stonnall following the inspection report.

RECOMMENDATION: The Finance Committee voted unanimously to purchase.

Lammas Land.

The Clerk reminded the Committee that £13,000 agreed at a previous Full Council meeting to repair parts of the Lammas Land paths is still awaiting action. Cllr Jones said he will pursue quotes but that there needs to be an alternative solution found for those parts of the paths which regularly flood.

Little Aston Recreation Ground.

Consider request from Cllr Salter to purchase an Eibe Snake Swing following the latest playground inspection. The complete assembly is£2644.23 inc del + VAT. Total £3173.08.

RECOMMENDATION: The Finance Committee voted unanimously to purchase.

.gov emails

Cllr Nicholls requested that the ongoing problem with emails be discussed at Full Council as the current set up is ineffective and a waste of money.

RECOMMENDATION: The Finance Committee voted in agreement.

Upgrade of Photocopier

The Clerk has been sent a proposal for a new photocopier. This was not requested and apart from having the ability to collate, the current copier works very well.

It was agreed that the Clerk share the proposal for future discussion.

10 Next Finance Legal Health & Safety Committee Meeting:

Tuesday Nov 24th at 5.30pm via Zoom.